Member Benefits
Become a NextStop Member and Enjoy Exclusive Benefits!
Supporting NextStop Theatre comes with perks! Join us at any level and access unique benefits designed to deepen your experience with our work. Choose a giving level that fits your commitment and be part of something special!
View our benefits in chart format here.
Recognition as a supporter in our Digital Program and in our Lobby
Access to NextStop Insider email newsletters
All the benefits above PLUS
Convenience fees waived on all ticket purchases to Main Stage shows
10% discount on all ticket purchases to Main Stage shows
All the benefits above PLUS
Concierge Ticketing*
*Connect with a NextStop staff member and get answers to any questions you may have or assistance with special requests (including performance selection, exchanges, etc.).
All the benefits above PLUS
Donor Reserved Seating for you and a guest to our performances this season
Invitation to ONE Inner Circle Event (First Rehearsal/Read-Through, private Backstage Tour, Supporter Appreciation event, post-performance “Talkback” sessions, etc.)
All the benefits above PLUS
Invitation to TWO Inner Circle Events this season (First Rehearsal/Read-Through, private Backstage Tour, Supporter Appreciation event, post-performance “Talkback” sessions, etc.)
Invitation to ONE Dress Rehearsal
Invitation to our Opening Night Receptions (the first Saturday performance of every production)
All the benefits above PLUS
Public Announcement before performances of ONE production
Online and Event Marketing Recognition for ONE production
Lobby Recognition for ONE production
Invitation to THREE Inner Circle Events this season (First Rehearsal/Read-Through, private Backstage Tour, Supporter Appreciation event, post-performance “Talkback” sessions, etc.)
Invitation to lunch with the Artistic Director
All the benefits above PLUS
Invitation to ALL Inner Circle Events this season (First Rehearsal/Read-Through, private Backstage Tour, Supporter Appreciation event, post-performance “Talkback” sessions, etc.)
Participation in the artistic process** for ONE production
****Includes: Invitation for 2 to designer run or cast dinner during tech week.
All the benefits above PLUS
Online and Event Marketing Recognition for TWO productions
Public Announcement before performances of TWO productions
Lobby Recognition for TWO productions
Participation in the artistic process** for TWO productions
****Includes: Invitation for 2 to designer run or cast dinner during tech week.
All the benefits above PLUS
Online and Event Marketing Recognition for THREE productions
Public Announcement before performances of THREE productions
Lobby Recognition for THREE productions
Participation in the artistic process** for THREE productions
****Includes: Invitation for 2 to designer run or cast dinner during tech week.
All the benefits above PLUS
Online and Event Marketing Recognition for ALL productions
Public Announcement before performances of ALL productions
Lobby Recognition for ALL productions
Participation in the artistic process** for ALL productions
Join today to enjoy these benefits while supporting our mission to bring exceptional theater to our community.
Questions? Contact us at
NextStop Theatre Company is a trademark of The Elden Street Players, Inc, a 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation. Our FEIN # is: 54-1503154